So, I apologize for my extended absence. School started up and took over just about everything. Other than my writing, of course.
Up until a few weeks ago, I had been in a writer's block since mid-November, and it was killing me. To those of you out there with the same issue, I feel your pain. (And if you're the opposite and got a ton of story ideas and are happily writing everyday, good on you).
Here's my quick advice for those of you with writer's block. Other than previous advice I've given, these two got me out of my writer's block and off and running.
1) Music. Go on Youtube, look up your favorite song, and pick a good looking song from the sidebar of recommendations and continue that for a little while until you find that song that makes you stop and think.
2) Go through your old stuff. Whether it's a completed work or just something you abandoned, reread it and play the what if game. Trust me, it helps. If you want proof...
My newest book that I've been working on:
Start date: 1/21/13
Date rush started disappearing: 2/04/13
Current date: 2/12/13
Total words so far: 28,343
So, don't lose hope, those of you out there struggling. One day will come along where you'll write like a happy demon, and you'll be relieved that your writer's block days are behind you!
Now, onto class!! :p
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