Monday, June 25, 2012

Well, I procrastinated. Again. Let's just say I actually created this blog a few month ago, and now I'm finally writing posts for it! Funny how easy it is to procrastinate something you need to do.

Speaking of, isn't writer's block a distant cousin of procrastinating? Think about it. Both make you put off something that needs to be done, and then you panic and rush when you get to your 'deadline'. Sound similar yet?

As a full-time college student, I completely understand procrastination. And, being an aspiring author, I also understand the stress and complications of writer's block. While it may not be voluntary, writer's block procrastinates your writing. Once you get in the real business of publishing, you can't let writer's block risk it all! Here's my advice for teaching writer's block who's boss:

1) Take a break. Walk away from it for a while. What would you do in the meantime? Go on a small stay-cation. Grab lunch with a friend. Work on another bit of writing. Read that book that you've been... ahem, procrastinating. These help to clear your mind so you can look at your work with fresh eyes. (Also a good technique when you get around to editing!)

2) YOUTUBE. I know this isn't a normal piece of advice, but I find it's easier for me to write with sound in the background (As long as it's not my mother belting out songs at the top of her lungs). Now, this doesn't work for everyone, but you should at least try. Here's what you do: Go on and search for your favorite song. Put it on a playlist. Then, look at the recommendations and pick a song that catches your eye. Put on same playlist. Repeat. Soon, you'll have a rockin' playlist. Either listen to all them (even shuffle it if you like) before writing or while you're brainstorming. Music is a big inspiration. Even if the lyrics don't pertain, the beat and rhythm might create ideas your next biggest work.

3) Just write! It doesn't matter if it's junk or just plain terrible, you'll still be writing, and who knows? Maybe you'll think of an idea to push writer's block out to sea.

Try those out and see if they help. Sometimes, just like procrastination, you just need to tell writer's block to "Hit the road, Jack!"

Speaking of which... I have a novel to write. See ya!

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