Thursday, August 23, 2012

Procrastinating Blogging, AGAIN!!!

So, yet again, I fail to update this blog on a regular basis. I apologize in advance for this, but my schedule has been packed the past couple weeks. Yeah, I know, I used that excuse again, but don't try to tell me you don't do the same thing! ;)
Anyway, at the start of August, I learned about something called Camp NaNoWriMo. Now, if you're an avid enough writer, you know what NaNoWriMo is. At least the regular one that takes place in November every year and you try to write 50k in a month. Camp NaNoWriMo is basically just that, except you can participate in the summer, i.e. August. This comes in handy when you're a full-time student, because November is usually crunch time for papers and preparing for exams. I started out this month trying to work on the second book in my ToTV novel series, with every intention to get to at least 50k by the end of August, therefore winning my first NaNo!
That was before I had to get ready to go back to school. Yeah, I can hear you groaning. You've probably been in that situation before. Usually, high levels of emotion spur me to write more, but the higher levels of stress and panic that are associated with the start of a new school year completely did me in. I haven't worked toward my word count goal in a full week! I'm at a good 33,000, and that's probably close to where it will stay. I will try to work on more, but the key word is TRY.
Of course, I'll probably get more time this semester to write, due to my classes lack of Homework. You'd probably think that's a good thing. You know, more time for writing? Well, to completely counter that logic, I hate not having much homework. Homework helps fill the down time, and comes in handy to take your mind off your writer's-blocked WIP. Part of the reason I haven't worked on GoF in a week is b/c I've got a terrible case of writer's block. This is why I'm frustrated when I don't have a ton of homework to fill the void and distract the rising stress levels in my head.
On the plus side, working on a short story for a contest on Figment. If you're a writer of any kind, you should join the Figment community. It's a real blast!
Time for me to sit down to brainstorm. To quote an old cartoon genius:
"Think... Think... Think!"